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NEW Pro for iPhone4S/5/5S/5C/6 Card Unlock IOS 6.0 Sprint CDM R-SIM9
Item No.: 3542

Product Description

NEW Pro for iPhone4S/5/5S/5C/6 Card Unlock IOS 6.0 Sprint CDM R-SIM9 Unlock method for iPhone 5s/5c is different from iPhone 5, the change of dual model unlock card and the rise of new carriers has made unlock card update new software and make more stable compatibility test. Therefore, R-SIM team has created this advanced unlock card--R-SIm 9, it is the first and only universal unlock card for iphone4S/5/5C/5S, its used with R-SIM certificated card slot, thus make unlocking so simple and fast. With the new unlock universal software, new simple manual method, new default specialized model edition, new red circuit board and new package, R-SIm is a so beautiful unlock card! RGKNSE-SIM owns name brand, aboudant wisdom, good quality, top-class after-sale service. Till now, R-SIM has created multiple No.1 in the field. E.g.: The first release iPhone 4s unlock card, the first universal unlock card for iPhone 4s/5, the first universal unlock card for iphone4S/5/5C/5S, the first patented unlock card brand with certification, trademark and reference, the top sales for ten consecutive years in the world. R-SIM will keep on providing the unlock card product with more comfortable using experience and easier using method. The newly-released product is based on customerss needs, and divided into three editions: Edition 1: R-SIM9 Pro: Can work for iphone4S/5/5C/5S, it has continued R-SIMs usual style with better compatibitity and intelligent choice for foreign customers. It has added some newly-developing carriers compatibility test. Such as: Japan new carrier Docomo(IMSI code:4401020), USA Virgin (IMSI code: 3101200 or 3160101) USA T-Mobile (IMSI code:3102600 or 3102605) and so on. At the same time, default universal OEM customization has been added too and make the customized menu and default version for customers. Perfectly support iOS: 5-7. We sincerely thank the customers company and support for our brand. R-SIM team will keep on moving! Edition 2:R-SIM 9C: for iPhone 5C specifically. With multi-color original high quality card tray, and with specialized default carriers and optional versions. Expert default version is plug and play. UNiversal version can meke your customers adapt to different carriers in order to satisfy different demands more intelligently.No multifarious steps needed and make unlock procedure so simple. Edition 3: R-SIM 9S: for iPhone 9s specifically. Compare with the two cards above, it can only be used for iPhone 5S, with experted 5S high quality original gray and golden card tray, its program is more succinct and stable, it cannot be used for iphone 5/4s, but its economical with free nano sim adapter card. Plus, in return to customers support, we also provide free R-SIM certificated universal card tray. R-SIM 9 is the ideal choice for you to unlock iPhone 5S. Summary: RGKNSE-R-SIM unlock card is with universal and default unlock method, patent and trademark, product unlock reference, specifically for customers customerized demands. R-SIM team has lead the way of unlock cards sales, innovation, quality and resellers operation. Please sopport the original genuine R-SIm product, watch for the security code efore purchase. Thanks for the attention and suopport for R-SIM and we will hold the win-win principle and minimize the cost and maximize the profit for resellers and direct users. We will make the unlock card users, locked iphone, resellers more harmonious. R-SIM 9 pro product details: Product Standards No.: Q/RKS 01-2013 (The only one brand which has the Legal certification in the area of unlock sim card in the world. ) EU CE Inspection certification No. : POCE13032714ECE, EU RoHS Inspection certification No. : POCE13032726BCR (The only one and the frist one brand which pass the CE and RoHS certification in the arear of unlock sim card in the world.) The product patent No. : 1. The SIM Tray: ZL201230569575.7 2. The SIM adapter: ZL201230569609.2 3. The chipset integrated Soft PC Board: 201330084422.8 (these patents including all the patent in the R-SIM 8 GOLD except the sim pin. ) There are some fake R-SIM 7 and R-SIM 7+ in the market, all of them are infringement act, Hope customers will monitor and report! Our lawyer will obtain the evidence according to law and investigate and affix legal liability. Complaint and After-Sale Service hot line: 4008925118 Country Carrier Code 1 Code 2 (Canada) Bell 3026103 Fido 3023703 Rogers 3027204 Telus 3022200 (USA) AT&T2 3104101 Sprint 3160100 iphone5 3101200 Verizon Wireless 2040438 cspire 3112300 (Germany) T-Mobile 2620125 2620608 Vodafone 2620208 (Britain) 3 2342091 O2 2341091 Orange 2343301 2343320 T-Mobile 2343091 Vodafone 2341590 (France) Bouygues 2082031 Orange 2080131 SFR 2081031 (Australia) Optus 5050234 Telstra 5050134 Vodafone 5050379 (Japan) au 4540492 iphone5 4405014 SoftBank 4402081 (Korea) olleh 4500818 (Philippines) Globe 5150201 (Spain) Movistar 2140731 2140785 Orange 2140333 Vodafone 2140130 YOIGO 21404xx (Sweden) 3 2400232 TELE2 24007xx Telenor 2400885 2400680 Telia 24001xx (Switzerland) Orange 22803XX Sunrise 22802XX (Ireland) O2 2720231 Vodafone 2720161 (Poland) Orange 26003XX T-Mobile 26002XX (Hungary) T-Mobile 21630XX Vodafone 21670XX (Austria) Orange 2320588 T-Mobile 2320328 A1 Telekom 2320111 (Mexico) Nextel 3340100 Telcel 3340200 Iusacell 3340500 Movistar 3340300 (China) China Unicom联通 4600100 China Mobile移动 4600000/4600200/4600700 China telecom电信 4600300 2040400 (Finland) DNA 2441200 (Venezuela) Digitel 7340300/7340200/7340100 Movistar 7340400 (Bolivia) Telecel 7360300 Nuevatel 7360100 ENTEL 7360200 1 Albania Albanian Mobile 2760111 2 Albania Eagle Mobile 2760311 3 Albania Vodafone 2760211 4 Algeria AlgeTel 6030111 5 Algeria Nedjma 6030311 6 Algeria Orascom 6030211 7 Andorra mobiland 2130311 8 Angola Unitel 6310211 9 Anguilla Cabl&wi 3654011 10 Anguilla Mossel 3650511 11 Anguilla Weblink 3651011 12 Argentina Claro 7161003 13 Argentina compala 7161003 14 Argentina CTI 7223101 15 Argentina Movistar 7220104 16 Argentina Nextel 7220211 17 Argentina Nextel2 7222011 18 Argentina Telecom 7223411 19 Argentina Telefoni 7220711 20 Argentina Telfonic 7227011 21 Armenia Armentel 2830134 22 Armenia Karabakh 2830434 23 Armenia Orange 2831034 24 Armenia Vivacell 2830534 25 Australia 3 5050610 / 2321069 26 Australia Optus 5050210 27 Australia Vodafone 5050390 28 Australia 3GIS 5051570 29 Australia AAPT 5051470 30 Australia Advan 5052470 31 Australia Localstar 5058870 32 Australia One 5050870 33 Australia OZITEL 5050534 34 Australia Telstra71 5057170 35 Australia Telstra72 5057270 36 Australia Telstra11 5051170 37 Australia Telstra 5050134 38 Austria 3Hutch 2321070 39 Austria A1 Telekom 2320170 / 2320100 / 2320186 40 Austria Barabl 2321570 41 Austria BobA1 2321170 42 Austria OneOra 2320570 43 Austria Teleri 2320770 44 Austria T-mobi le 2320370 / 2320328 45 Austria yesOra 2321270 46 Austria Orange 2320588 47 Austria Three 2321069 48 Aux-Airnet Airnet 5050970 49 Aux-Depart Depart 5050434 50 Belarus Best 2570434 51 Belarus MDC 2570134 52 Belarus MTS 2270234 53 Belgium Base 2061034 54 Belgium Globul 2060534 55 Belgium mobistar 2061034 56 Belgium Proximus 2060134 / 2060122 57 Belgium Ortel 2062050 58 Bulgaria MTel 2840179 / 2840189 59 Bulgaria Vivacom 2840310 60 Bulgaria Globul 2840510 / 2840500 61 Canada BELL610 3026104 62 Canada Bell pacific 3101703 / 3026103 63 Canada Fido 3023704 3023703 64 Canada Rogers 3027204 / 3027203 65 Canada Telus220 3022204 / 3022203 new Canada MTS 3026600 66 Chile Claro 7300304 67 Chile Entel 7300104 68 Chile Entel10 7301004 69 Chile Movistar 7300204 70 China Mobile 4600202 71 China Unicom 4600158 72 Colombia ColomTel 7320014 73 Colombia Comcel 7321014 74 Colombia Edatel 7320024 75 Colombia Movista3 7321234 76 Colombia Movistar 7321024 77 Colombia Tigo1 7321114 78 Colombia Tigo3 7321034 79 Czech Mobikom 2300434 80 Czech O2telefh 2300234 81 Czech Sprava 2309834 82 Czech Tmobi 2300134 83 Czech Vodafone 2300334 84 Czech Vodaf2 2309934 85 Croatia T-Mobile 2190199 86 Croatia VIP 2191065 87 Denmark TM 2620125 88 Denmark Demark 2382010 89 Denmark APS 2380534 90 Denmark Barablu 2380734 / 2380734 91 Denmark H3G 2380634 92 Denmark 3 2380632 93 Denmark Telen 2380241 94 Denmark MiGway 2380334 95 Denmark TDC 2380134 96 Denmark TDC2 2381034 97 Denmark Telenor 2387734 / 2380234 98 Denmark Telia 2382034 99 Denmark Telia30 2383034 100 Dominican Movil 7321234 101 Ecuador Alegro 7400234 102 Ecuador Movista 7400034 103 Ecuador Porta 7400134 104 Egypt Mobinil 6020111 / 8920016 105 Egypt Vodafone 6020211 Egypt Etisalat 6020311 106 El Salvador Claro/CTE 7061034 107 El Salvador CTE/Claro 7060134 108 El Salvador Digice 7060234 109 El Salvador Movita 7060434 110 El Salvador Telemo 7060334 111 Estonia EMT 2480134 112 Finland NDA 2440311 / 2441211 / 2440367 113 Finland Sonera 2449111 114 France Bouygues 2082136 / 2082015 115 France BT 2082031 116 France Orange 2080189 / 2080131 117 France Bouygues 2082011 118 France Bouygues21 2082111 119 France Bouygues88 2088811 120 France Orange01 2080111 121 France Orange02 2080211 122 France SFR10 2081011 123 France SFR11 2081111 124 France SFR 2081031 125 France Virgin 2080191 126 Germany T-mobile 2620111 / 2620125 / 2620155 / 2620166 127 Germany Vodafone 2620208 128 Greece Cosmote 2020134 129 Greece QTelecom 2020934 130 Greece Vodafone 2020534 131 Greece Wind 2021034 132 Honduras Claro 7080111 133 Hungary T-mobile 2163011 / 2163000 134 Hungary Vodafone 2167000 135 India Airtel02 4040211 136 India Vodaf01 4040111 137 India Vodaf05 4040511 138 India Vodaf46 4044611 139 Ireland Vodafone 2720110 / 2720172 140 Ireland O2 2720211 / 2720231 141 Ireland E-Mobile 2720320 142 Ireland Meteor 2720303 142 Ireland 3 2720500 272536 143 Italy Blu 2229834 144 Italy Elsacom 2220234 145 Italy H3G 2229934 146 Italy IPSE 2227734 147 Italy Telecom 2220134 148 Italy TIM 2220134 2220195(128k) 149 Italy Vodafone 2221034 150 Italy Wind 2228834 151 Japan AU 4540492 152 Japan Sofbank 4402011 153 Japan SofbankGre 4402016 154 Japan SoftbankBla 4402081 155 Japan Kiddi 4540492 / 4407002 156 Jo_rdan Orange 4167711 157 Korea Telecome 4500826 158 Liechtenstein Orange 2950211 159 Liechtenstein Swisco 2950111 Lithuania Omnitel IMSI:2460165 160 Luxembo Luxgsm 2700101 161 Luxembo Tango 2707701 162 Luxembo Voxmobi 2709901 163 Macao China 4550234 164 Macao CMT 4550134 165 Macao Hutchis 4550534 166 Macao SmartT 4550034 167 Macedonia Vip 2940387 168 Macedonia One(Ex-Cosmofon) 2940200 169 Macedonia T-Mobile 2940102 170 Moldova Orange 2590101 171 Montenegro T-Mobile 2970200 Morocco Meditel 6040011 Mexico Telcel 3340202 3340200 Mexico Nextel 3340100 Mexico Lusacell 3340500 172 Netherland T-Mobile 2041611 173 Netherland Reserve 5300134 174 Netherland Vodafone 2040438 175 New Zeland Econet 5302834 176 New Zeland Nzcomunic 5302434 177 New Zeland Telecom 5300534 178 New Zeland Teltracle 5300434 179 New Zeland Vodafone 5300134 5300166 180 New Zeland Woosh 5300334 181 Norway Netcom 2420211 182 Norway Telenor 2420111 Norway Tele2 2400768 183 Peru Claro 7161011 184 Peru TIM 7161011 185 Philipine GB 51502220 186 Philipine SM 5150303 187 Philipine Sun 5150509 188 Philipine Globe 5150211 189 Poland Era 2600211 190 Poland Orange 2600311 2600300 191 Poland T-Mobile 2600200 192 Portugal Optimus 2680311 193 Portugal Vodafone 2680111 194 Portugal TMN 2680611 194 Russian Beeline28 2502834 195 Russian Beeline99 2509934 196 Russian Megafon 2500234 197 Russian MTS10 2501034 198 Russian Telecom 2509334 199 Saudi Arabia EAE 4200734 200 Saudi Arabia Mobily 4200334 201 Saudi Arabia STC 4200134 202 Saudi Arabia ZainSA 4200434 203 Slovakia T-Mobile 2 2310411 204 Slovakia Eurotel 2 2310234 205 Slovakia Orange 2310134 206 Slovakia Orange UMT 2310534 207 Slovakia Orange UMT2 2311534 208 Slovakia TeleficO2 2310634 209 Slovakia Vodacom 6550134 210 Slovenia Si-Mobile 2934001 211 Spain Movistar 2140711 2140785 212 Spain Orange 2140333 213 Spain Vodafone 2140198 2140130 Spain Yoigo 2140401 214 Sweden 3 2400200 2400232 215 Sweden Telia 2400111 216 Sweden Tele2 2400700 2400782 217 Sweden Telia 2400100 2400111 218 Sweden Telenor 2400885 219 Switzerland Swisscom 2280167 220 Switzerland Orange 2280311 2280300 221 Switzerland Sunrise 2280200 222 Switzerland Swiscom 2280111 ‘0829821 223 Switzerland Sunrise 2280211 2280167 2280203 224 Switzerland Swiscom (un-offical) 2280121 225 Taiwan Chungwa 4669234 226 Turkey Turcell 2860134 227 Turkey Vodafone 2860211 228 Turkey Vodafone 2862034 229 United Kingdom 3 2342091 2342073 230 United Kingdom O2 2341091 231 United Kingdom Orange/T-Mobile 2343320 2343091 2343302 232 United Kingdom Vodafone 2 2341590 233 United Kingdom O2 - 2 2340211 234 United Kingdom Orange33 2343334 235 United Kingdom T-Mobile/Orange 2343091 2343302 236 United Kingdom Vectone 2340100 237 USA ATT 3104101 238 USA Verizon 2040400 239 USA Sprint(CDMA) 3160101 / 3160100 240 USA Cable and Wireless Lime J 3461401 USA GCI Wireless USA (United States) 310430 241 United Arab Emirates DU 4240334 242 United Arab Emirates ETisal 4240234 243 Uruguay CTimov 7481011 244 Uruguay Movistar 7480711 245 Venezuela Movistar 7340486 246 Venezuela Digitel 7340100, 7340200, 7340300 247 Venezuela Movilnet 7340600 248 Venezuela Telefonica 7340400